Dementia Friendly Communities Forum

Researchers from Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre will visit yspace (98 Beach Rd) from 11 – 2 pm on Tuesday 25 July to conduct a forum about dementia friendly communities.

Any adult from the community with an interest in dementia is welcome to attend; individuals, business owners or community organisations. We particularly welcome those who are currently living with dementia or are carers of people with dementia. A light lunch is provided and there is no cost to attend.

During the forum:

  • You will be invited to complete an anonymous dementia knowledge survey.
  • We will provide a short presentation about our research.
  • You will be given an opportunity to share your knowledge and views about your community becoming dementia friendly in a small group discussion.

Contact for further information:

To ask questions or register to attend (which will help us with catering) contact Helen Courtney-Pratt:

T: 6226 4289 | E:

Welcome refreshments and a light lunch will be provided.

This event is being conducted as part of a research project, and has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee (TAS). The research is supported by the Tasmanian Community Fund. When you attend (or prior if requested) you will be given an information sheet and we will ask you to give consent to participate in this research. We will use the data from the forum to inform further research and will provide the findings back to your community. You will not be identifiable in publications or presentations resulting from the data collected at the forums. Your responses to the Dementia Knowledge survey are completely anonymous.