Interim Planning Directive No. 4 – Exemptions, Application Requirements, Special Provisions and Zone Provisions

In 2015, the Tasmanian Parliament enacted amendments to the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (LUPAA)  to provide for a single planning scheme for Tasmania, known as the Tasmanian Planning Scheme. The idea of the new scheme is to make planning easier to understand as well as have a consistent approach to planning across the state.

Some municipalities in the state already operate under the new Tasmanian Planning Scheme, and others including Kingborough, still operate under the Interim Planning Schemes (for Kingborough it is the Kingborough Interim Planning Scheme 2015)

The Minister of Housing, Hon Roger Jaensch MP has issued a planning directive (Directive 4) on 10 February 2021 which brings parts of the State Planning Provisions (SPPs), a component of the Tasmanian Planning Scheme into effect earlier through the remaining Interim Planning Schemes (including the Kingborough Interim Planning Scheme 2015).

The changes include:

  • Fifteen additional terms and definitions from the SPPs.
  • Exemptions from the SPPs that either add to, or replace, the general and limited exemptions in the Interim Planning Schemes.
  • Application requirements from the SPP’s that replace the requirements of the Interim Planning Schemes.

The above-mentioned changes to the Kingborough Interim Planning will come into effect on Monday, 22 February 2021.

Development  applications lodged prior to 22 February 2021, will be assessed under the current planning scheme provisions. Applications lodged on or after 22 February 2021 will be assessed under the changes of Directive 4 where it applies.

More information about Directive 4 including a Fact Sheet is available on the Tasmanian Planning Policy Unit’s website.

Enquires can be directed to Kingborough Council’s Planning Department on (03) 6211 8200 or the Tasmanian Planning Policy Unit on (03) 6166 1429.