
Empowering young people to navigate the digital world

Concerned about how much a young person in your life is spending looking at a screen?

Kingborough Council is showing the relevant and insightful film, Screenagers on Wednesday 9 August at the Civic Centre, which is will be an opportunity for parents to share and become informed about teenagers in the digital age.

Award-winning Screenagers looks into the vulnerable corners of family life, including the director’s own, and depicts messy struggles over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through surprising insights from authors and brain scientists, solutions emerge on how we can empower kids to best navigate the digital world.

The Mayor of Kingborough, Cr Steve Wass has expressed his support for developing a better understanding of how families may be able to manage this complex and current issue.

“We hope that by screening this film, concerned parents and carers can start to see the issue more optimistically,” he said.  “The question and answer panel following the film will provide a chance to have an open discussion and perhaps talk about concerns or learn about some practical action which can be taken.”

Tickets are $10 per person and must be purchased via the Fan-Force website (external link) by Monday 31 July.

Council welcomes the following presenters to the question and answer session:

Trista Cocker: Senior Policy Officer, trainer and the Tasmanian State Representative of NAPCAN (National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect).

Chris Littlejohn: Chris has worked with digital technology in education for eight years in the Catholic system and is now at Tarremah Steiner School. In 2016, he researched digital technology integration with Monash University. Chris has developed a successful digital citizenship program at St Aloysius Catholic College and now curates Tarremah’s digital citizens website.

Two Australian Federal Police Representatives from ThinkUKnow Australia : ThinkUKnow is an Internet safety program, which delivers interactive training to parents, carers and teachers through primary and secondary schools across Australia using a network of accredited trainers.