
Storm Update

The impacts of the extreme weather event on Thursday 10 May continue to affect the Kingborough community.

The Tasmanian and Australian Governments are now providing financial assistance for eligible individuals and families affected by the extreme weather and flooding. The assistance is through the jointly-funded Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA). The grants will be available for three months and assessors from the Tasmanian Government are available to guide applicants through the process. For more information contact Housing Tasmania on 1300 665 663 (Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm).

The Civic Centre in Kingston continues to have a reduced Customer Service Team operating from the first floor due to flood damage in the building. Other office staff have been relocated to temporary accommodation while the damage is assessed and repairs commence.  The Kingborough Sports Centre and Manor Gardens Club have also been damaged by the storm. The Kingborough Sports Centre is operating with some areas still restricted. The Manor Gardens facility is closed and is temporarily operating from yspace on Beach Road in Kingston.

Council staff respectfully ask members of the public to only come to the Civic Centre for urgent matters. All other enquiries can be made by phone on (03) 6211 8200, email to or logged on our website contact form at

Works Department crews have addressed urgent and unsafe areas. They are now focusing on repairing steep roads and clearing associated stormwater infrastructure to avoid any further flooding in the event of rain. Nearly 300 work requests were received in the first five days after the storm, which is normally the amount received over a three month period.

Areas that have received significant damage include Huon Road (between Wolfes and Leslie roads), the Redwood Village dam, Whitewater Creek, the Trial Bay jetty and the Kingston Beach breakwater.

There has been other extensive damage to bridges, footpaths and roads across Kingborough. These have been investigated and prioritised according to safety and the availability of resources. The assessment and subsequent repair works are expected to take several months.

The Mayor of Kingborough, Cr Steve Wass said “The clean-up effort by the Kingborough community has been incredible. It is evident we have a strong community spirit, where neighbours are helping each other and local businesses, along with the clearing of beaches and parks. We greatly appreciate the help and support of the community.”

“It is also important that we remind road users and pedestrians to obey all road closure signs while essential work is being carried out to clear debris and assess damaged infrastructure. It is for everyone’s safety and we thank you for your patience.”

There are a number of resources to assist residents and businesses who have been affected by storm damage, which can be found on Council’s website

Council continues to provide support for those in difficult situations and has dedicated a member of staff to advise those who are suffering hardship. Contact Council’s Customer Services Team by phone, on (03) 6211 8200 for more information.

Free entry at Barretta Waste Management Facility is available for flood affected residents on Sunday 20 and Sunday 27 May. To access the free entry, please provide proof of residence in the Kingborough municipality (e.g. drivers licence, or utility bill etc.)

Materials accepted for free disposal must only be:

  • From residential properties located in Kingborough
  • Flood affected/damaged materials
  • Storm or flood green waste
  • Of residential quantities

Kingborough Waste Services staff will be on hand to assist you around the site, however free disposal days are very busy, and your patience will be greatly appreciated as some delays may be expected. The Barretta Waste Management Facility is open from 9am to 4pm each Sunday.

Further updates will be posted on the Council’s website and social media channels.