
Consultation period closes for Draft Dog Management Policy

Council thanks all members of the community who have had their say on the Draft Dog Management Policy. The consultation period was the opportunity for people to make constructive suggestions on the Draft Policy for the Council to review and consider for inclusion into the final Policy.

There were 151 ideas and 339 comments submitted by 167 contributors on the Kingborough Council Our Say forum. The Our Say online engagement forum provided transparency during the consultation process, enabling all community members to access and review submissions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Participants were able to vote on the ideas submitted and a total of 1,972 votes were received. To provide continued transparency, all submissions received on the Our Say forum are now available to view and download below.  Council also received 105 written submissions outside of the Our Say forum. The content of these submissions will be added to the published list in due course, however no identifying details will be included at the request of the responders.

Complete Our Say submissions for the Draft Dog Management Policy 2018

Council will assess the submissions and recommendations received during the consultation period, before any consideration of the policy can occur at an open council meeting.

Council would like to take this opportunity to remind people that they are unable to change the Dog Control Act 2000. This includes the legislation concerning dogs in shops and shopping centres, along with dogs on sports grounds while sport is being played. The Dog Control Act 2000 can be viewed on the Department of Premier and Cabinet’s website at