
Blackmans Bay Beach

The water quality at Blackmans Bay Beach (southern end) has been qualified as poor and swimming is not advised.

Signage has been placed at the end of Illawarra Road advising the public that the site is not suitable for swimming. There is a sign adjacent to Pearsall Avenue advising that water quality is ‘good’ for the remainder of the beach – north of the stormwater pipe.

All water quality readings for the Derwent Estuary, are published on the Derwent Estuary Program’s website. Please check this website for the Beach Watch updates.

Council has not yet identified the main causes of the poor water quality at the southern end of Blackmans Bay Beach. It is most likely due to contaminated stormwater, which is worse after periods of heavier rain. In the absence of any significant on-ground improvement measures, the water quality is likely to remain poor. Council is currently investigating end-point treatment options for the stormwater outfall at Illawarra Road. Recreational water quality gradings are based on a five year rolling average and water quality gradings at Blackmans Bay South have been poor over the last two years, so it may take several years before the overall grading improves. However if end-point treatment causes significant improvement to water quality, then it may be possible to review the long term grading if agreed by the State Government Department of Health and the Derwent Estuary Program.

The situation will continue to be monitored and signposted and the community kept informed of any changes.