
Tuesday Talks: Get connected and planning for the future

Getting Connected is the theme for the Tuesday Talk at 10.30am, 5 March.

The session will provide information on what to consider when buying a digital device like a mobile phone, smart phone, tablet or laptop. It will also cover the types of plans that are available to connect these devices to the internet. If you are unsure about what device to buy for your needs, this talk will provide unbiased advice.

The Tuesday Talk topic for 2 April is on the rarely discussed subject of funerals. It will cover what you are able (and are not able) to do with your ‘remains’.  There will be a representative from Tasmania Legal Aid to discuss what the law allows, and what the regulations are in planning your funeral. They will be able to advise you on the difficult questions you may have.

Tuesday Talks are held on the first Tuesday of the month, and are a way of raising awareness about issues and services relevant to older residents. Talks are held in the Kingston Library Meeting Room and are part of Kingborough Council’s Positive Ageing Program.

Bookings are encouraged, please contact Council’s Community Development Officer to reserve your place on 6211 8170. Sessions are free and morning tea is provided.