
Stormwater to Sea Project

Educating the community about stormwater drains has taken on an artistic approach with the creativity of Kingborough’s young people in the Stormwater to Sea project.

Kingborough Acting Mayor, Jo Westwood said the project was developed to open the community’s eyes to stormwater pollution and harness the talent of our local youth over the school holidays.

“With the help of Kingborough Council’s Arts and Youth Officers, the team of young artists created a collection of stencil paintings.

“Their motivation was to emphasise the point that whatever goes into stormwater drains, ends up in the sea.

“These artworks will be used to inspire a stencil design to be spray painted on footpaths and drains around Kingborough to encourage people to think about pollutants and waste ending up in the sea,” Cr Westwood said.

The stencil art was on display at the Youth Arts Showcase held at the Community Hub on Saturday 8th May and was well received by the public.

Kingborough Council’s Natural Areas Interpretation Officer, Bridget Jupe noted the strong interest and engagement with both the art and the Council stormwater information stall.

“The public were very supportive of the project and especially interested in the fact that young people were leading the charge on environmental issues,” Ms Jupe said.