
Declared Cat Prohibited Areas

Kingborough Mayor, Paula Wriedt said Council had voted to make Algona, Coffee Creek and Huntingfield Reserve all Cat Prohibited Areas (CPA).

“This is a great achievement for National Threatened Species Day, Cr Wriedt said.

“Our Council has led the way when it comes to dealing with cat management and it is a positive step for our wildlife,”

“The Algona, Coffee Creek and Huntingfield Reserves are all owned by Council and lie immediately adjacent to the Peter Murrell Reserve (PMR),” Cr Wriedt said.

“Peter Murrell Reserve, is already a declared Cat Prohibited Area as it is a biodiversity hotspot.

“Nineteen native mammals and 90 bird species have been recorded within the diverse habitats of Peter Murrell Reserve.

“Among the conservation-significant species are the threatened Eastern Quoll, Eastern-barred Bandicoot, Tasmanian Devil, Forty-spotted Pardalote, Grey Goshawk and Swift Parrot.

“At least 627,100 native animals are killed in the Kingborough area each year from domestic cats alone.

“So, these Cat Prohibited Areas are an important step towards protecting our wildlife that we know is under increasing pressure from urban development.

“We want to send a clear message that all cat owners need to be responsible for their cats, just as dog owners are.

“Anyone who’s ever owned a cat will know that if you let them outside they roam, so it is important that we create areas which are safe from cats.

“During recent consultation on this issue, all submissions were in favour of declaring these Cat Prohibited Areas, and social media comments were all also very supportive.

“This declaration means that residents who live within these areas will need to ensure their cats don’t roam into these sensitive environments.

“Council will undertake monitoring and trapping of cats within the reserves, any cats trapped will be taken to the Ten Lives Cat Centre, where they will be assessed for ownership.

“Other prohibited areas around Kingborough are Boronia Beach and the Suncoast track.

Cat prohibited areas:

Algona Reserve Area, Coffee Creek Reserve, Huntingfield Reserve