
Have your say on the new Woodbridge Recreation Ground Master Plan.

Kingborough Mayor, Paula Wriedt said the Council was seeking community input into the new proposed Woodbridge Recreation Ground Masterplan.

“The Recreation Grounds at Woodbridge are an important part of local life, hosting the local soccer club in winter and the cricket club in summer,” Cr Wriedt said.

“Additional to these seasonal teams, it is used by local community groups as well as the Woodbridge District School for their Athletics Carnivals.

“This proposed new Masterplan outlines a number of improvements designed to address the safety issues and improve the experience for players and spectators.

“Feedback from the community highlighted that negotiating the driveway crossover and existing car park of the grounds brought children and adults into proximity with moving vehicles.

“Currently, temporary measures are in place to delineate between the cars and pedestrians, but this Master plan proposes to decommission the existing driveway crossover and establish a new one further west on Woodbridge Hill Road.

“As well as safety, the Plan proposes a pitch rotation to improve field dimensions and a boundary fence that will improve playing field functionality by containing ball movements.

“The Master Plan proposes a low-set spectators’ amphitheatre as well as exercise equipment located directly south of the Pavilion.

“I encourage everyone in the Woodbridge community as well as the involved stakeholders to have their say on this proposal.
An online survey can be found here.