
 New Rules for Cats

This year changes come into effect for cat owners through the Cat Management Act 2009 beginning on Tuesday 1 March 2022.

The new amendments will result in tighter rules for cat owners across Tasmania announced Mayor, Paula Wriedt.

“All cat owners will be required to have their cats microchipped and desexed, in addition to not owning more than four cats,” Cr Paula Wriedt said.

“There are significant benefits to these changes in regulations, not only for our environment but also for the cats, their owners and our neighbourhoods.

“A Blackmans Bay resident recently reported to Council staff, that after her cats were desexed they stopped roaming and became much more friendly and sociable.

“Besides increasing a cat’s life expectancy, desexing a cat reduces undesirable behaviours such as spraying, fighting, roaming and yowling.

“Importantly, compulsory microchipping of cats will help reunite owners with any lost pets.

“Thanks to having an up-to-date microchip, a much-loved cat of 16 years was recently reunited with her owners after being missing for a month.

“After being checked for a microchip, her owners were easily found.

“Currently there are no restrictions on the number of cats that can be kept at a property.

“New changes will restrict the number of cats at a property to four without a permit.

“This is similar to The Dog Control Act 2000, where a person that has more than two dogs must apply for a kennel licence.

The State Government is currently developing a permit system for cat owners with more than four cats at a property.

For further information or to apply for a permit please register at: Amendments to the Cat Management Act 2009 | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (  and you will be contacted.

“A limit on cat numbers at a property will help reduce the impact of cats on native animals in surrounding bushland and reserves and also protect the welfare of pet cats.

Under the Cat Management Act 2009, it is also required that:

  • Only registered breeders can breed cats,
  • Cats can only be sold or given away if desexed, microchipped, wormed, vaccinated and over eight weeks of age,
  • Cats are not abandoned.