
Draft 2022/23 Budget

Kingborough Council has released its Draft 2022-23 Budget and is seeking community feedback.

“Before Council finalises the 2022-23 Budget in June, we release a Draft for community input to help us refine it,” Cr Wriedt said.

“During 2022-23 we will be starting some significant projects that will help connect residents to better services, upgrade infrastructure and advance community safety in our community.

Some of the key Capital projects ear marked in this draft budget include:

  • Over $1 million in stormwater upgrades to Illawong Crs/Hinsby Rd and Garnett Street in Blackmans Bay,
  • Over $7 million in roads upgrades including Blowhole Road Blackmans Bay and Gemalla Road Margate,
  • Over $2 million in track, reserves and playgrounds upgrades; including Twin Ovals to Spring Farm Connector Track and Spring Farm Track to Whitewater Creek, and
  • $180,000 for a local area traffic management study and precinct upgrade for Beach Road.

Some operational projects:

  • $50,000 Tree Strategy:
    • Funding used to scope out a tree strategy for Kingborough to set out the methodology, prioritisation, assessment frequencies, management and maintenance of trees in the municipality.
  • $40,000 Waterway Program
    • The funding is to implement the priority actions from the Creek Maintenance Plans for our key urban waterways to avoid and minimise damage to assets, human safety and environmental harm by improve stormwater flows and capacity.
  • $16,000 Adaption Financing Project
    • Working with Griffith University to look at adaptation activities using Snug as a case study community to provide modelling data, technical reports and consult with key stakeholders in the community.

“Generally, the cost of doing business increases for everyone, including Council every year so that is something we need to consider when putting together our annual budgets.

“Council must weigh up what it needs to deliver by law with the increasing demands for services required by the community.

“This year, the costs that impact the of running our Council, identified through the Council Cost Index (CCI), have increased to 4.06% compared to 0.95% last year.

“Hobart’s Consumer Price Index has also increased, with the latest figures (December 2021 quarter) identified as 4.5% which is the third highest in the country.


“Despite the high CCI, Council understands that the cost of living has gone up for everyone, so it is with this in mind that we have based the draft on a 2.8% general rate increase, which is in line with our Long-Term Financial Plan.


Council will consider public feedback in May with a final decision made on the Budget in June 2022.


Please see Council’s website for more details, link on front page. Input is welcomed until the 16 May 2022 and can be sent to  or posted to Kingborough Council, 15 Channel Hwy, Kingston 7050.