
Blackmans Bay South Water Testing

Environmental Health Officer sampling Wednesday 5 April 2023


The no swim advisory signage has been removed from Blackmans Bay Beach today following the recent water quality result.

Council Officers have not yet identified the source of the recent poor water quality at Blackmans Bay South however we continue to devote significant resources to our investigations into possible contamination sources.

These investigations include ongoing testing of Council’s stormwater system to identify any sewer infiltration.

UPDATE 5 April 2023: resampling was taken at Blackmans Bay South this morning. Council will continue to resample as well as investigate possible causes. As soon as the results are clear for swimming, the signage will be removed and facebook posts updated.

Recent sampling at Blackmans Bay South beach has shown elevated levels of bacteria (enterococci). Swimming at this site is not currently advised and Council has put up signage advising the public against swimming in the southern section of Blackmans Bay Beach (please see map)

Council Officers continue to investigate the recent water quality trends at the Blackmans Bay South site and are working with TasWater to try and identify and rectify any contamination sources. Proactive testing of the stormwater infrastructure is continuing in conjunction with TasWater, though as of today, no source of contamination has been identified. Resolving the poor water quality at Blackmans Bay Beach is and will continue to be a priority for Council.