
Positive Steps to Connection

Kingborough Council is currently extending the Whitewater Creek Shared Use Track to Spring Farm and Whitewater Estate, opening up better access.

Mayor, Paula Wriedt said creating more shared pathways allows our community members to move around our community more safely.

“Better connectivity is an important part of how Kingborough strategically grows.

“Our community loves walking, and nationally data shows it is the highest participated recreational activity undertaken by Australians adults,” Cr Wriedt said.

“This shared pathway will connect over 600 homes in Spring Farm and Whitewater Estates to healthier ways to get around our community.

“We know that as Kingborough grows we need to keep strategically investing in more tracks, trails and shared pathways improving everybody’s ability to move around without cars.

“Work has already started on the section of pathway from Whitewater Estate to the current Whitewater track.

“Later in 2024 work will start on the Summerleas underpass, connecting the two halves of the track.

“In the last half of 2024, a section of the track which includes a bridge and graded uphill track work will begin.

“This will open up the sports precinct and High School to cyclists, walkers and anyone not using a car.

“I am really looking forward to providing improved transport and recreational opportunities for our community to enjoy.”