
Petitions enable the community to bring matters of concern to the attention of Kingborough Council. Council can be petitioned in accordance with Part 6 Division 1 of the Local Government Act 1993 for any matter that comes under its jurisdiction.

Petitions can be presented to Council in hard copy or by ePetition.  A Petition in either of these formats must comply with the requirements of the Local Government Act.

A Petition in any form must contain:

  1.   The full name and address of the person lodging the petition (‘the petitioner’);
  2.   The name and address of individual signatories to the petition;
  3.   A clear and concise statement of the subject matter and action requested of Council.
  4.   Must be temperate, respectful and factual and not contain any language which is offensive or likely to be offensive to any member of the public.
  5.   Must protect your personal privacy and the privacy of others by not including email addresses, phone numbers or home addresses in the discussion or statement of action required.
  6.   Must not contain external links.

Hard Copy Petitions

Guidelines and a form that complies with the Local Government Act can be downloaded from Council’s website by following this link or by collecting a hard copy from customer services at the Civic Centre.


An ePetition is an electronic form of a traditional written petition.  Council provides this service to make the process of compiling and presenting a petition to Council more accessible.  An ePetition is submitted to Council by a petitioner who is the owner of the ePetition.  Council’s role in an ePetition is simply to provide a platform for the electronic gathering of signatures and neither Council, Councillors or staff are affiliated to an ePetition in any way.  Council will not promote an ePetition in any way and it is up to the petitioner to advertise the ePetition and gather signatures.

The process for submitting an ePetition is to complete the form which is then submitted to the CEO’s office.  The ePetition is then uploaded to our website and the petitioner is sent an email confirming that the ePetition is live and is also provided a link to the relevant page.

ePetition Participation

By participating in an ePetition, you accept that:

  1.   You have a genuine interest in the matter being raised.
  2.   You are representing your own personal interests.
  3.   You accept that it is fraudulent to represent yourself as someone else whether that be a real or imaginary person.
  4.   Your information will be provided to Council officers only for the purposes of determining it’s legitimacy. Council declares that it will not make this information available publically.
  5.   It is not possible to participate in an ePetition as an anonymous person.

Information relating to petitions requesting that Council hold a public meeting regarding the subject matter of the petition can be found here.

Processing of petitions

It is usual for a petition to be initially received at a Council meeting without discussion as to its merits or otherwise.  At this initial meeting, Council will determine that the petition should be referred to a Council officer to provide a written report to a subsequent Council meeting.

View current petitions or lodge a petition by using the links below