
Council Meeting Decisions, 24 July

25A Osborne Esplanade

At its last meeting, Council considered a report on the future of its property at 25A Osborne Esplanade at Kingston Beach, and how best Council can support the Kingston Beach Surf Life Saving Club.

The Club had requested to utilise the property for additional storage and other ancillary facilities (such as a first aid and patrol/radio room) and for clubhouse facilities and boat storage within the Kingston Beach Oval property, where they already have a presence. With this in mind, Council approved to grant the Club permission to submit development applications on each of these separate properties.

Council also determined that the existing public toilets and changerooms will be replaced with high quality amenities and that once a design has been prepared and costed, a further report will be provided for Council to consider potential sources of funding to make sure these new facilities are constructed as soon as practical.

Disaster Relief Donations Policy

Council approved an updated Disaster Relief Donations Policy, which acknowledges that we are not able to budget for emergencies. The updated policy acknowledges this and confirms no budget will be set aside, rather funds will be allocated if and when required.

View the updated Disaster Relief Donations Policy (PDF).

Financial Report, 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017

The end of year Financial Report was presented to Council, which continues to undergo audit processes. Questions from Councillors focused on some overspend for certain Capital Works projects. Budgets for Capital Works are created on the best estimate at the time of tenders, however some tenders have been higher than anticipated. Council operates a strict Tenders & Purchasing policy and the instances of overspend have been a result of the market. Overall, the Capital Works budget was under budget, with some works carried over into the new financial year.

The report is available to view within the Council Meeting Agenda.

Kingborough Waste Services (KWS)

The quarterly report for KWS indicates an improving financial position, and is not expected to run at a loss as it has in previous years. A number of new initiatives at the Barretta facility have had a positive impact, including the introduction of the popular TechCollect Program.  This free service for residents and small businesses recycles e-waste and prevents these items from entering landfill.

KWS is promoting recycling and reuse by partnering with Community Services to educate school children as part of Council’s Salvaged Art Competition.

Councillor Attendance, Allowance and Expenses

The Councillor Attendance at Meetings and Councillor Allowance and Expense information tables were reported for the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017. The Councillor Allowance and Expense table is available to view on the Councillors webpage.

Council also received a report into the recent activities of the Governance & Property Services team. Some of these activities include:

  • The first meeting of the new Kingborough Municipal Emergency Management Committee, which included enacting an emergency scenario.
  • Preparing for the “Be-ready Bruny” event, which is being planned for October. Council, Tas Fire Service and the Bruny Island Community Association are collaborating to present a free community emergency readiness event.
  • Completion of the new track linking Firthside to the Kingston Wetlands.
  • Review of submissions from members of the public for the Tracks & Trails Strategic Action Plan, and subsequent approval of the Plan by Council.
  • Successful applications for State Growth Community Infrastructure Minor Grants  to allow for the development of a Lightwood Park Soccer Hub Feasibility Report and Dru Point Masterplan.
  • The quarterly hall and playground inspections have been completed.
  • Implementation of the Kingborough Public Toilet Strategy has started with planning for the replacement of the Coningham Toilet block and Sandfly Hall septic system.
  • Cricket nets at the Twin Ovals have been extended with funding provided through a grant from Cricket Australia and the Kingborough District Cricket Club.
  • The Centre square at Twin Ovals has been expanded to a 10 wicket block, with funding provided from a Cricket Australia grant.

The minutes and audio are available: