
Kingborough Council Approves Rates and Budget for 2018/19

Kingborough Council has accepted, by an absolute majority, officers’ recommendations for a four per cent rate increase for the operational budget and rates for 2018/19. This increase aligns with the approved Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP), which was also adopted at the meeting.

Kingborough Council has the lowest rates per rateable property in the Urban Medium Council category. The proposed increase will maintain Kingborough as charging the lowest rates, comparable to similar sized councils such as Clarence, Hobart and Glenorchy.

The rate rise will cost ratepayers on average, approximately $1 extra per week, per household, depending on the capital value of the property.

The garbage collection rate was increased by $40 to fund the substantial increase in collection and disposal costs for the next year. The charges are based on the size of bin a property has and only applies to residential or commercial properties that are provided with a Council garbage collection service.  Council’s minimum stormwater removal rate has increased by $2 to $60. Only properties with a capital value of over $1 million will pay an amount in excess of $60.

The report to Council included feedback from community members, following the public release of the capital and operating budgets. The submissions provided mixed feedback with four supporting the four per cent rate rise, six not supporting it and four that highlighted specific issues or individual capital and operational expenditure items.

The Mayor of Kingborough, Cr Steve Wass said all submissions were taken into consideration. “Council’s budget decision is based on the best outcome for all ratepayers and residents in Kingborough, as well as making sure that we are on track to return to an operating surplus by 2021.”

Cr Wass noted the challenges Council is facing this year. “The increase responds to a number of challenges for Council including the loss of $600,000 of TasWater dividends, the rising costs of waste management and the $135,000 required to fund the local council elections,” he said.

The total capital works budget for 2018/19 is $14.42 million, including $5.75 million for works on the Kingston Park project and $1.3 million for the reconstruction of the Channel Highway in Kingston.

The replacement and rehabilitation of infrastructure assets continues to be a priority and the capital works budget will focus on this area of expenditure.

Highlights of new works, maintenance and stormwater solutions for next year include:

  • Brightwater Road renewal including stormwater upgrades
  • Beach Road, Kingston and Woodbridge Hill Road stormwater upgrades
  • Channel Highway, Kingston reconstruction including stormwater upgrades
  • A $1 million road resealing program
  • $900,000 for resheeting gravel roads
  • Gormley Drive extension with Spring Farm link road Masterplan
  • Snug Oval play space
  • Osborne Esplanade toilet block replacement
  • Margate to Snug shared pathway – construction of path from Derwent Avenue to the Channel Heritage and Folk Museum.
  • Mountain Bike Park upgrade
  • Kelvedon Park changerooms/clubrooms upgrades

The full agenda is available on the Council Meetings page. The audio recording will be added on the morning of Thursday, 14 June, with minutes to follow.