Donations Policy

Financial support is available to members of the Kingborough community who represent Tasmania in interstate, overseas and world championships. Council’s Donations Policy 3.3 offers financial assistance to people chosen to represent Tasmania in sporting, social, economic, or environmental development activities.

This policy is to assist members of our community with the costs that come from representing Tasmania. The assistance is aimed at alleviating some of the financial burden such as the cost of airfares and accommodation.

Eligible applicants will be entitled to receive a donation of:

  • $150 for interstate representation
  • $300 for overseas representation
  • $400 for Commonwealth, Olympic Games or World Championship representation.

At the Council Meeting on 19 June, Councillors voted to increase the amount available by $10 each financial year for the life of the policy. This increase is designed to meet the rising costs of inflation.

Evidence of selection will be required, and the request must come before the event.


State Government Assistance

You may also be eligible to apply for the Junior Travel Assistance Program.  It is designed to provide quick and easy-to-access support for competitors and their families so that travelling for sport is more accessible for more Tasmanians.

Further information on eligibility and how to apply is available on the Active Tasmania website of the Department of State Growth.

Donations Policy Application Form