Making a Representation


For the duration of the exhibition period, the community will be able to make written representations to indicate support for or to raise objections or concerns with any planning changes proposed.

Council will make a guide available on how to make a representation (Further Information) and there will also be an opportunity to submit a representation online on this page.

The community CANNOT make a representation until the exhibition period begins. Unfortunately, any representations received prior to the exhibition period will not be considered.



Following the end of public exhibition, Council will consider the written representations received and prepare a report to be considered at a Council Meeting. All submissions made will be available (in full) to the Council at the meeting.

If passed by Council, the report, including all the community submissions (in full), will be given to the Tasmanian Planning Commission (TPC) for their consideration.

The TPC must hold hearings in relation to all the representations, unless the author is supporting the changes, advises they don’t want to be heard or if they were just pointing out an error, anomaly, inconsistency, or drafting problem.

A final decision on the merits and implications of a representation, and any requirement to modify the draft planning scheme, will be made by the TPC after the hearings.