Fact Sheets and Guides


The Tasmanian Planning Scheme identifies the types of use or development that require a planning permit prior to their commencement.

The scheme also provides the ‘provisions’ (or controls/SPPs as we commonly refer to) that will apply to a use and development of that land.

When someone is required to lodge a development application, the proposal will be assessed against the relevant provisions of the Planning Scheme.

The Scheme operates in conjunction with zones and code overlay maps. The zone map specifies the zone for all properties within the municipality. The code overlays indicate areas where additional provisions may apply.

Each code sets out the allowable development of that property, e.g. there are codes that govern bushfire prone areas, landslip hazards, local heritage, parking requirements etc.

Each Local Provisions Schedule (LPS) contains zone maps and overlay maps or descriptions of places where the codes apply in a Council area. It also contains local area objectives and any planning controls for unique places specific to the municipality.

If you want to know more about how to interpret the Tasmanian Planning Scheme refer to:


MORE information and fact sheets will be available once the exhibition period commences.