Draft Kingborough Tracks and Trails Strategic Action Plan

Council is seeking feedback on the Draft Kingborough Tracks and Trails Strategic Action Plan.  The plan has been prepared to provide a clear, co-ordinated, and strategic approach to guide Council’s planning, development, management, and promotion of a municipal wide network of tracks into the future.

The Strategy captures in greater detail the desired future tracks and strategic missing links to the Kingborough network and prioritises lists of identified projects.

These identified projects will guide Council’s considerations for resources over the next five to ten years with a review after five years.

It provides recommendations for achieving those strategic directions and guiding principles and a framework for implementation.

Council is committed to supporting a safe, healthy and connected community. Community engagement is a critical component used to review Council’s policies, strategies and projects.


Input will be accepted through email/written submissions. The engagement will be open until Tuesday 16 April 2024.


Your input into this consultation will be used to further inform the Draft Kingborough Tracks and Trails Strategic Action Plan.